
Beginner Resources

Started by May 04, 2018 11:16 PM
2 comments, last by kseh 6 years, 4 months ago

The collection of links to articles in the Beginner Resources section is nice. But it seems that the submitted URLs aren't conveniently linkified for my laziness. Actually, if I'm accessing the page from my phone, it's pretty inconvenient to use the URL.  If it's not easy to do stuff with the URL field, is there any way to suggest somewhere on the submit page to manually add the hyperlink in the description body? Or at least maybe edit the current description bodies to include a hyperlink in the hopes that others end up following the convention?

Also, with the URL text being gray it kinda blends in.

There should be a green button "Visit <website>" that will take you to the link. Is that visible to you?

We may have to tweak the layout or design a bit to make this a bit clearer, did anyone else have the same trouble?


Thanks for the feedback! :)

- Jason Astle-Adams


Ah, I see it now. It's weird because I was looking to find something on the page to click on but I did not notice the button at all. I think maybe I figured it was for an ad so I discounted it as a way to get to the article.

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