
Forum issues

Started by December 07, 2020 06:58 PM
4 comments, last by Tom Sloper 3 years, 9 months ago

I get the following popup message very often when visiting which doesn't seem to do anything.
“New version available! OK to refresh?”​ and are handled differently, with different cookies (logins). This absolutely needs fixing.

My cookies for this site are over 100 megs, more than all the others combined. Why?

Links are sometimes inserted on generic text leading to mundane sites like amazon search results.

Posting a link to this site here makes a link that just links back to the same page. Why?

🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂<←The tone posse, ready for action.

I confirm that this is an issue. I discovered a problem today when I clicked the CAREERS link in the site nav frame at the left. It took me to a page where it says the processing pipeline is stalled and I need to log in, but login fails. Yet all the time, I've been logged into the site just fine.​​ - processing pipeline stalled​​ - Forbidden (403) - CSRF verification failed. Request aborted. - More information is available with DEBUG=True.

-- Tom Sloper --


Login through that URL worked OK when pasting the URL into browser's URL box. Maybe it only fails when trying to use Login link on the stalled pipeline page.

-- Tom Sloper --

fleabay said:
I get the following popup message very often when visiting which doesn't seem to do anything. “New version available! OK to refresh?”

Sounds like caching. Cookie clear and browser restart is a typical fix. (I don't see this issue)

fleabay said:​ and are handled differently, with different cookies (logins).

Have to look into this one..

fleabay said:
My cookies for this site are over 100 megs, more than all the others combined. Why?

This is a work-in-progress. 100mb seems large and likely has a lot of image data cached over time. I wouldn't expect that with more recent versions of the site. Very possible this is related to the “new version” popup you see.

fleabay said:
Links are sometimes inserted on generic text leading to mundane sites like amazon search results.

These are affiliate links with tooltips that say “ Affiliate”.

fleabay said:
Posting a link to this site here makes a link that just links back to the same page. Why?

New one. Looks like an editor issue when http/https is not included in the URL.

Tom Sloper said:
I discovered a problem today when I clicked the CAREERS link in the site nav frame at the left. It took me to a page where it says the processing pipeline is stalled and I need to log in, but login fails.

New one. I'll look into it.

Admin for

Thanks. It's probably either http vs. https or www vs. no www. Don't suppose there are actually duplicate pages.

-- Tom Sloper --

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